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    • 0g.ghost.7373
      0g.ghost.7373 replied to the thread Boxed Player Spawn.
      I figured that. Everything was fine until last night, everyone started spawning under the map. Couldn't figure out why so I installed...
    • 0g.ghost.7373
      0g.ghost.7373 replied to the thread Boxed Player Spawn.
      Calling hook OnPlayerRespawn resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: BoxedPlayerSpawn - BasePlayer+SpawnPoint...
    • 0g.ghost.7373
      0g.ghost.7373 replied to the thread Forever Ripe.
      Thanks for that info!
    • 0g.ghost.7373
      0g.ghost.7373 replied to the thread Reforestation.
      Yep. FP changed the prefabs.
    • 0g.ghost.7373
      0g.ghost.7373 replied to the thread Forever Ripe.
      Thursday night I would plant the pumpkins, then like an hour later notice some were missing. I used Auto Plant by rostov114 (umod) to...
    • 0g.ghost.7373
      0g.ghost.7373 replied to the thread Forever Ripe.
      This is weird. Planted pumpkins the two nights ago. Went to pick them up and nothing.... No one can get to them, I planted them way up...
    • 0g.ghost.7373
      0g.ghost.7373 replied to the thread Forever Ripe.
      FOr berries, do we add this? "black_berry.entity", "blue_berry.entity", "green_berry.entity", "red_berry.entity"...
    • 0g.ghost.7373
      0g.ghost.7373 replied to the thread Reforestation.
      Seems the prefabs have changed. Couldn't find prefab...
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