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    • pagan
      pagan reacted to VisEntities's post in the thread Reforestation with Like Like.
      It could simply be that no valid spawn points were found near where you cut down the tree. Please test again in a wide open area
    • pagan
      pagan replied to the thread Reforestation.
      "Version": "1.4.0", "Delay Before Planting Trees Seconds": 30.0, "Minimum Number Of Trees To Plant": 1, "Maximum Number Of Trees...
    • pagan
      pagan reacted to VisEntities's post in the thread Reforestation with Like Like.
      It seems to be working for me, I added all the palm tree prefabs to the Excluded Tree Prefabs config like this: "Excluded Tree...
    • pagan
      pagan replied to the thread Reforestation.
      I hope you got me right though, I don't get trees showing up at all except pine trees.....
    • pagan
      pagan replied to the thread Reforestation.
      Thank you for your reply. If it works for you, then the problem is mine, I'll look into it ...
    • pagan
      pagan replied to the thread Reforestation.
      Sorry to bother you, it's me again :)))) I think after the global update only pine trees appear....
      • Screenshot 1.png
      • Screenshot 2.png
    • pagan
      pagan replied to the thread Reforestation.
      You're the best :)))
    • pagan
      pagan replied to the thread Reforestation.
      This is a famous plugin so called (Magic Tree) When cutting trees sometimes player gets a seed, planting it in the ground grows a tree...
    • pagan
      pagan replied to the thread Reforestation.
      Hello :)) Thank you for the wonderful plugin... I have some problem, the plugin is set up cut down one tree one got one. But I also have...
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