There's alot more to this post then just 'dead pilots stay in seats' lol
Did you read the description or was dead pilots stay in seats the only idea worth doing? Cause well, fair enough if it was lmao
Dying in choppers is weird, your body just locks in place and falls without any momentum from the chopper you were riding,
so you should make a cool plugin that applies the speed of the vehicle to the corpse when a player dies
you should make a plugin for when a pilot or copilot dies in...
I just checked and its literally everything I described sooo uhh, yeah, ignore everything here, even the crane, cause they have a crane, Delete this, delete it all, BURN THE EVIDENCED
I never digged into it, I think (I could be very wrong bout this) it just spawns a license plate on every vehicle, and restricted randoms from hijacking the vehicle
Besides, I don't think it matters because I don't think they're mod will let me spawn a personalized crane
You should make a...
Ik this is probably a really tedious mod to code sooo I wouldnt be surprised if your looking at this and thinking "well fuck that" so is cool if this just never becomes a thing, i just really want a personalized crane...
obviously mods like "mymini" exist, but has there been a "my Crane"? or a "myRhib" or a "mych47"? I know there might be a mod that gives you one of these but thats a one trick pony, we need a mod for ALL of these vehicles, with a toggle in the config file to select what can be spawned, that way...
FINE, be that way scoff, you butthole, but ok, I'll just post one big post at a time then, cause one idea per post will clog your site with abuncha random ass bullshit and a alot of pictures of my naked avatar, thanks for hearing me out XD
I know! But it looks weird for newcomers seeing hundreds of posts by me and like, one random post by someone else.
And I noticed this post was moved to off topic (and renamed) sooooo, am I suppose to post in off topic orrr just stockpile stuff in this post?
Oh wait, maybe I make a new forum...
you should give me an exclusive suggestion tab so I dont have to cover up all the other people's ideas with all my braindead ones
also I dont think there's a way for me to delete this "post" so when you do see this could you eradicate it?
Ik there's a thousand Taser plug-ins, but this one should be designed for pvp rather than a roleplay scenario, the way it should function is
You find a taser (nailgun) in crate, it comes with one shot and that shot breaks the taser after, but in return it'll down a player for 2.5 seconds, making...
Would be really cool to be able to jump out the scrap chopper and be connected to my team rather than put outside, would also make skydiving fun as fuck as I'll be forced to run out the back of the chopper rather than teleported outside
Same for the ch47 just with every seat rather than just the...
I'm not saying remove the water effect, that'd be boring, I'm saying let me build a base underwater, it'd be flooded yeah but if you got a nodrowning plugin then underwater bases become these cool flooded tunnel systems, it'd be like a shitty space station
Plus if you manage to make guns and...