Added OnDroppedItemContainerSpawned hook triggered after a dropped item container is spawned to group items. This is useful for plugins that need to set the owner id of the dropped item container.
Prevent grouping dropped items when being in safe zones. This's to address the issue where dropped item containers, having no owner, could not be opened due to safe zone restrictions on inventory access.
Implemented a LOS check so that items are only grouped if they are visible to each other, preventing items in different rooms or behind walls from being grouped together.
Dropped item containers now spawn more accurately on the nearest surface.
The removal time for dropped item containers is now dynamically calculated based on the items inside. This means items with a quick despawn duration will influence the overall removal time of the container, but will never be less than the configured fallback time specified by Dropped Item Container Fallback Despawn Time Seconds.
Added Item Categories To Exclude From Grouping config option that allows specifying item categories to exclude from moving into the dropped item container. Refer to the documentation for a complete list of categories.