Boxed Player Spawn

Oxide Boxed Player Spawn 1.2.0

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Gear Core (Optional)
This plugin ensures that new players spawn inside a shelter when they join the server for the first time. It automatically finds a suitable location near the beach and places a shelter there, giving players a safe start and protecting them from spawn camping. The shelter is temporary and will be removed after a set period.


  • boxedplayerspawn.ignore - Players with this permission won't be placed inside a shelter upon their first spawn.


  "Version": "1.2.0",
  "Number Of Attempts To Find Shelter Position": 5,
  "Search Radius For Shelter Position Around Beach Spawn Point": 5.0,
  "Nearby Entities Avoidance Radius": 6.0,
  "Rocks Avoidance Radius": 5.0,
  "Shelter Lifetime Seconds": 30.0,
  "Gear Set To Equip": "",
  "Spawn Box Storage Inside Shelter": true,
  "Items To Spawn Inside Box Storage": [
      "Shortname": "wood",
      "Skin Id": 0,
      "Minimum Amount": 100,
      "Maximum Amount": 200
      "Shortname": "metal.fragments",
      "Skin Id": 0,
      "Minimum Amount": 50,
      "Maximum Amount": 100
  • Number Of Attempts To Find Shelter Position - The number of attempts the plugin will make to find a suitable position for the shelter around the beach spawn point.
  • Search Radius For Shelter Position Around Beach Spawn Point - The radius within which the plugin will search for a suitable shelter position around the initial beach spawn point.
  • Nearby Entities Avoidance Radius - The radius within which the plugin will avoid placing the shelter near existing entities.
  • Rocks Avoidance Radius - The radius within which the plugin will avoid placing the shelter near rocks.
  • Shelter Lifetime Seconds - The duration (in seconds) for which the shelter will remain after being spawned.
  • Gear Set To Equip - Specifies a gear set to equip on players after they spawn in a shelter. (Requires Gear Core plugin.)
  • Spawn Box Storage Inside Shelter - Determines whether to spawn a small wooden box with starter items inside the shelter.
  • Items To Spawn Inside Box Storage- A list of items to be spawned inside the wooden box. Each item has the following settings:
    • Shortname - The shortname of the item to be spawned.
    • Skin Id - The skin id to be applied to the item. Set to 0 for the default skin.
    • Minimum Amount - The minimum amount of this item that will be spawned inside the box.
    • Maximum Amount - The maximum amount of this item that will be spawned inside the box.
      Note: The actual amount will be randomly determined between the minimum and maximum values.

Stored Data

The plugin also saves the following information:
  "Previously Connected Players": []
  • Previously Connected Players - Stores the user ids of players who have previously connected to the server. This is used to ensure that the shelter spawning only occurs for new players joining the server for the first time, preventing repeat shelter spawns for returning players.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 reviews

Also by VisEntities

Latest updates

  1. 1.2.0

    Fixed an issue where the data file was not resetting correctly on new map wipe. Players can now...
  2. 1.1.2

    Adjusted the wooden storage box spawn point inside shelters to avoid players getting stuck when...
  3. 1.1.1

    Please wait until the Rust update goes live before downloading. Patched for the upcoming...

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