Dangerous Collectibles

Oxide Dangerous Collectibles 1.0.1

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This plugin makes gathering collectibles more risky by adding a chance for entities like stumps, pumpkins, and hemp to explode when collected.


  • dangerouscollectibles.ignore - Players with this permission will not trigger explosions when picking up collectibles.


    "Version": "1.0.0",
    "Collectibles": [
            "Prefab Short Names": [
            "Remove Collectible Upon Explosion": true,
            "Explosion": {
                "Chance": 10,
                "Impact Radius": 3,
                "Damage Amount": 20.0
            "Prefab Short Names": [
            "Remove Collectible Upon Explosion": true,
            "Explosion": {
                "Chance": 10,
                "Impact Radius": 3,
                "Damage Amount": 20.0
            "Prefab Short Names": [
            "Remove Collectible Upon Explosion": true,
            "Explosion": {
                "Chance": 10,
                "Impact Radius": 3,
                "Damage Amount": 20.0
  • Collectibles - A list of collectible entities that have a chance to explode.
    • Prefab Short Names - The short prefab name of the collectible entity.
    • Remove Collectible Upon Explosion - When set to true, the collectible item is killed upon explosion, meaning the player does not gather resources from it.
    • Explosion - Defines the explosion properties.
    • Chance - The percentage chance that the collectible will explode when picked up. A value of 10 means there's a 10% chance.
      • Impact Radius - The radius of the explosion's impact in meters. This explosion affects players within this radius but ignores those with the dangerouscollectibles.ignore permission.
      • Damage Amount - The amount of damage dealt to players within the impact radius of the explosion.
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  1. 1.0.1

    Please wait until the Rust update goes live before downloading. Patched for the upcoming...