House Keys

Oxide House Keys 1.2.2

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This plugin lets you remotely manage doors, locks, traps, and tool cupboards in any building. Simply have the building in sight and run the commands to open doors, unlock locks, change codes, shut down turrets, or clear authorizations. It's also performance-friendly, so you can use it safely on any base, no matter its size.


Grant this permission to provide complete control over all building entities:
  • housekeys.all - Enables full control over doors, locks, turrets, cupboards, and traps.
Grant these individual permissions if you want players to have control over specific types of entities:
  • housekeys.door - Enables management of doors.
  • housekeys.turret - Enables management of auto turrets.
  • housekeys.lock - Enables management of key and code locks.
  • housekeys.cupboard - Enables management of tool cupboards.
  • housekeys.trap - Enables management of traps such as gun traps and flame turrets.
This permission is mainly for admins:
  • housekeys.bypass - Allows bypassing the requirement for building privilege to manage a building's entities.


These commands manage all types of doors, including single, double, and garage doors:
  • /house.door open - Opens all doors.
  • /house.door close - Closes all doors.
These commands manage all code and key locks:
  • /house.lock lock - Locks all code and key locks.
  • /house.lock unlock - Unlocks all code and key locks.
  • /house.lock auth clear - Clears the authorization list for all code locks, including guest players.
  • /house.lock code <newcode> - Changes the code for all code locks.
These commands manage all auto turrets:
  • /house.turret on - Activates all auto turrets.
  • /house.turret off - Deactivates all auto turrets.
  • /house.turret hostile - Sets all auto turrets to hostile mode.
  • /house.turret peacekeeper - Sets all auto turrets to peacekeeper mode.
  • /house.turret unload - Empties all ammunition from auto turrets and drops them on the ground, including the attached weapon.
These commands manage all tool cupboards:
  • /house.cupboard auth clear - Clears the authorization list for all tool cupboards.
These commands manage traps such as gun traps and flame turrets:
  • /house.trap unload - Empties all ammunition from traps like gun traps and flame turrets.


  "Version": "1.2.0",
  "Building Detection Range": 25.0,
  "Building Has To Have Tool Cupboard": true,
  "Player Has To Have Building Privilege": true,
  "Player Has To Be Owner Of House Entities": true,
  "Can Teammates Also Control House Entities": true,
  "Enable Visualization": true,
  "Visualization Duration Seconds": 10.0
  • Building Detection Range - The maximum distance from the player within which buildings are detected for control.
  • Building Has To Have Tool Cupboard - Determines whether the building must have a tool cupboard to be managed.
  • Player Has To Have Building Privilege - Requires the player running the command to be authorized in the tool cupboard of the building they want to manage (can be bypassed with housekeys.bypass permission)
  • Player Has To Be Owner Of House Entities - Requires the player running the command to be the owner of the house entities they want to manage (can be bypassed with housekeys.bypass permission).
  • Can Teammates Of Owner Control House Entities - When enabled alongside Player Has To Be Owner Of House Entities, this option allows teammates of the owner to manage the house entities.
  • Enable Visualization - Enables visual feedback for actions such as opening doors or unlocking locks.
  • Visualization Duration Seconds - Duration for which visual feedback is displayed.


  "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.",
  "InvalidArgs": "Invalid arguments. Usage:\n{0}",
  "NoEntityFound": "No entity found in sight.",
  "NoBuildingFound": "No building found or the building does not have a tool cupboard.",
  "NoAuthorization": "Building privilege is required to perform this action.",
  "NoOwnership": "Could not manage <color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> entities because you are neither the owner nor a member of the owner's team.",
  "ScanningBuilding": "Scanning the building. This may take a few seconds, please wait a moment...",
  "DoorsOpened": "<color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> doors have been opened.",
  "DoorsClosed": "<color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> doors have been closed.",
  "NoDoorsToOpen": "No doors to open.",
  "NoDoorsToClose": "No doors to close.",
  "LocksLocked": "<color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> locks have been locked.",
  "LocksUnlocked": "<color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> locks have been unlocked.",
  "NoLocksToUnlock": "No locks to unlock.",
  "NoLocksToLock": "No locks to lock.",
  "AuthCleared": "Authorization cleared for <color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> code locks.",
  "NoAuthToClear": "No code lock authorizations to clear.",
  "CodeChanged": "Code changed for <color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> code locks to <color=#ADFF2F>{1}</color>.",
  "NoCodesToChange": "No code locks to change.",
  "TurretsOn": "<color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> auto turrets have been turned on.",
  "TurretsOff": "<color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> auto turrets have been turned off.",
  "NoTurretsToTurnOn": "No auto turrets to turn on.",
  "NoTurretsToTurnOff": "No auto turrets to turn off.",
  "TurretsUnloaded": "<color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> auto turrets have been unloaded.",
  "NoTurretsToUnload": "No auto turrets to unload.",
  "TurretAuthCleared": "Authorization cleared for <color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> auto turrets.",
  "NoTurretAuthToClear": "No auto turret authorizations to clear.",
  "CupboardAuthCleared": "Authorization cleared for <color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> cupboards.",
  "NoCupboardAuthToClear": "No cupboard authorizations to clear.",
  "TrapsUnloaded": "<color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> traps have been unloaded.",
  "NoTrapsToUnload": "No traps to unload.",
  "TurretsHostile": "<color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> auto turrets are now in hostile mode.",
  "TurretsPeacekeeper": "<color=#ADFF2F>{0}</color> auto turrets are now in peacekeeper mode."
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 reviews

Also by VisEntities

Latest updates

  1. 1.2.2

    Fixed compatibility issues with Carbon.
  2. 1.2.1

    Please wait until the Rust update goes live before downloading. Patched for the upcoming...
  3. 1.2.0

    Added new config options: Player Must Be Owner of House Entities and Can Teammates of Owner...

Latest reviews

Very cool plugin and it is saving so much time and effort doing each thing, works very handy with Copy/paste prefabs you may spawn in with items already in the paste file.