House Keys

House Keys 1.2.2

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  • Fixed compatibility issues with Carbon.
Please wait until the Rust update goes live before downloading.
  • Patched for the upcoming September 5th Rust update.
  • Added new config options: Player Must Be Owner of House Entities and Can Teammates of Owner Control House Entities.
  • Added new language keys: NoBuildingFound, ScanningBuilding, and NoOwnership.
  • Improved building detection to include deployables (previously only detected building blocks). Note: Tool cupboards are considered building blocks, hence detection worked when looking at them.
  • Send a message notifying players when they run commands that the building is being scanned, so they don't spam the command again thinking it didn't run (sometimes it may take a few seconds depending on building size). Note: Even if players spam the command, it'll just cancel the previous process and start a new one with no performance impact.
  • Some other minor uninteresting improvements.
  • Permissions have been reworked. Each command now has its own permission. The new permissions are:
    • housekeys.turret
    • housekeys.cupboard
    • housekeys.door
    • housekeys.lock
    • housekeys.trap
    • housekeys.all
    • housekeys.bypass
  • Fixed auto turrets being turned on even if they weren't powered.
  • Added new commands: /house.turret peacekeeper and /house.turret hostile to set the turret mode.
  • Improved visual feedback to include details about the actions performed on entities (e.g., locked, opened, shut down, etc.).
  • Changed the behavior of unloading ammo from traps, ammo will now be dropped on the ground instead of being completely removed.
  • Fixed unloading ammo not working correctly for auto turrets (previously only worked for gun traps and flamethrowers).
  • Improved performance of the ammo unloading process.
  • Auto turrets will now be turned off when unloaded, as they no longer have an attached weapon.
  • Fixed visual feedback not being displayed for players (was only displayed for admins).
  • Fixed argument validation for the /house.cupboard auth clear command.
  • Added new language keys TurretsHostile, TurretsPeacekeeper, and NoAuthorization.
  • Added BuildingHasToHaveToolCupboard config option to determine whether the building must have a tool cupboard to be managed.
  • Added PlayerHasToHaveBuildingPrivilege config option requiring the player running the command to be authorized in the building privilege of the building they want to manage (can be bypassed with housekeys.bypass permission).