This plugin ensures that players can't stay afk while using recyclers by automatically kicking them after a set period of inactivity.
How it Works
When a player starts using a recycler, the plugin sets a timer based on the configured duration. If the player is inactive for the specified time, they are automatically removed from the recycler, ending their looting session. However, each time an item is recycled before the timer expires, the timer resets, giving the player more time to continue using the recycler. Once the player leaves or finishes, the timer stopsPermissions
- Players with this permission will not be kicked for inactivity while using recyclers.
"Version": "1.0.0",
"Duration Until Kicking Player From Recycler For Inactivity": 300.0
Duration Until Kicking Player From Recycler For Inactivity
- Defines how long in seconds, a player can stay idle while using a recycler before being automatically kicked from it.