Pied Piper
This plugin allows players to spawn animals like bears or chickens and make them dance in various formations around them.


  • piedpiper.use - Allows players to summon animals and make them dance.

Console Commands

  • piedpiper.circle <numCircles> <duration> <animalType1> <count1> <radius1> [animalType2 count2 radius2 ...] - Summons animals in multiple circles around the player. The <animalType> specifies the type of animal to spawn (see supported types below), <count> defines how many of that animal to summon, and <radius>is the radius of the circle.
    • Supported animal types:
      • bear
      • polarbear
      • stag
      • boar
      • chicken
  • piedpiper.flower <animalType> <count> <radius> <duration> - Summons animals that dance in a flower-like pulse pattern around the player. <animalType> specifies the animal, <count> defines the number of animals, <radius> sets the dance radius, and <duration> is how long the dance will last.
  • piedpiper.swarm <animalType> <count> <radius> <duration> - Summones animals that swarm within a specified radius around the player.
  • piedpiper.chain <animalType> <count> <duration> - Summones animals that follow each other in a chain, mimicking a line dance around the player.
  • piedpiper.kill - Removes all animals that the player has summoned with dance commands.

Dance Patterns

  • Flower: Animals move in and out from the center in a flower-like pulsing pattern.
  • Chase in Chain: Animals form a line, following each other in single file behind the player.
  • Circle: Animals form one or more circles around the player, moving in a continuous circular path.
  • Swarm: Animals move randomly within a specified radius, staying close to the player in a loose, swarm-like formation.


  "NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use this command.",
  "CircleDanceSuccess": "Circle dance started and will last <color=#FFAA55>{0}</color> seconds.",
  "FlowerDanceSuccess": "Flower dance started and will last <color=#FFAA55>{0}</color> seconds.",
  "SwarmDanceSuccess": "Swarm dance started and will last <color=#FFAA55>{0}</color> seconds.",
  "ChainDanceSuccess": "Chain dance started and will last <color=#FFAA55>{0}</color> seconds.",
  "KillAnimalsSuccess": "All animals you spawned have been removed.",
  "NoAnimalsToKill": "No animals found to remove.",
  "CircleDanceUsage": "Invalid command. Correct usage:\n- <color=#F0E68C>piedpiper.circle <numCircles> <duration> [animalType1] [count1] [radius1] ...</color>",
  "FlowerDanceUsage": "Invalid command. Correct usage:\n- <color=#F0E68C>piedpiper.flower <animalType> <count> <radius> <duration></color>",
  "SwarmDanceUsage": "Invalid command. Correct usage:\n- <color=#F0E68C>piedpiper.swarm <animalType> <count> <radius> <duration></color>",
  "ChainDanceUsage": "Invalid command. Correct usage:\n- <color=#F0E68C>piedpiper.chain <animalType> <count> <duration></color>"
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Digital product
License duration
10.00 USD
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Also by VisEntities

Latest updates

  1. 1.0.1

    Possible fix for NullReferenceException on plugin unload.