
  1. VisEntities

    Foundation Only Deployables 1.0.0

    This plugin blocks the placement of most deployables on the ground, limiting them to foundations or other building blocks. [H2 id='Permissions']Permissions[/H2] foundationonlydeployables.ignore - Players with this permission can place any deployable on the ground, bypassing the...
  2. VisEntities

    No Underwater Vending 1.0.0

    This plugin prevents the placement of vending machines underwater, a restriction surprisingly not enforced by the game. It helps stop players from taking advantage of this exploit to hide their loot underwater. Localization { "CannotPlaceUnderwater": "You cannot place a vending machine...
  3. VisEntities

    Owner Pickup Only 1.0.0

    This plugin ensures that only the owner of an entity, and optionally their teammates, can pick it up. [H2 id='Permissions']Permissions[/H2] ownerpickuponly.ignore - Allows players to bypass the pickup restriction and pick up any entity, regardless of ownership. [H2...
  4. VisEntities

    No Signs On Deployables 1.0.0

    This plugin prevents wooden signs from being placed on deployables like boxes and lockers. In the config, you can define which entities are restricted from having wooden signs placed on them. [H2 id='Permissions']Permissions[/H2] nosignsondeployables.ignore - Allows the player to place wooden...
  5. VisEntities

    No Monument Barricades 1.0.0

    This plugin reverses the changes introduced in the June 6th, 2024 update that allowed barricades to be placed inside monuments. In the config, you can specify which monuments should block barricade placement. [H2 id='Configuration']Configuration[/H2] { "Version": "1.0.0", "Monument...
  6. VisEntities

    Lucky Barrel 1.0.0

    This plugin allows players to place a vertical storage barrel that may transform into a random loot barrel. Upon placement, the storage barrel is destroyed and a loot barrel spawns in its position, which the player can then break to obtain loot. Note: It doesn't apply to horizontal storage...