
  1. VisEntities

    Half Looted Emptier 1.1.0

    This plugin empties loot containers that players leave partially looted, ensuring they despawn so new ones can spawn in their place. [H2 id='Configuration']Configuration[/H2] { "Version": "1.1.0", "Emptying Trigger Mode": "Looted", "Number Of Items To Trigger Emptying": 1, "Delay...
  2. VisEntities

    No Stuck Arrows 1.0.1

    This plugin prevents players from respawning with arrows and spears still stuck on their bodies.
  3. VisEntities

    No Underwater Vending 1.0.0

    This plugin prevents the placement of vending machines underwater, a restriction surprisingly not enforced by the game. It helps stop players from taking advantage of this exploit to hide their loot underwater. Localization { "CannotPlaceUnderwater": "You cannot place a vending machine...