Solved Add Permission to Minigun Reload Anywhere

In my opinion, every plugin suppose to have permission to use plugin. Its unlock ability to control what players or which groups can use plugin!
Also my server has skills system, so for example to create new skill RELOAD MINIGUN ANYWHERE, i need that plugin to have a permission, and my skills plugin can give that permission for players to use.
So yeah, please take a time to consider how important that plugins has permissions. Otherwise you cant control plugin usage.
Thank you
Ok, thanks. And also i wanted to donate, but i see there only one way to do it to make it monthly subscribe? Only this thing stopped me, maybe you planning make some paid plugins also where users be able just buy it with single bank card or paypal payment? I see you doing here nice stuff and feels not cool that everything i can get is free. So in my opinion, dont feel shy pricing plugins where you feel you deserve. Server owners take it no matter what if need them. We need active plugin developers for sure!!! :love:
Ok, thanks. And also i wanted to donate, but i see there only one way to do it to make it monthly subscribe? Only this thing stopped me, maybe you planning make some paid plugins also where users be able just buy it with single bank card or paypal payment? I see you doing here nice stuff and feels not cool that everything i can get is free. So in my opinion, dont feel shy pricing plugins where you feel you deserve. Server owners take it no matter what if need them. We need active plugin developers for sure!!! :love:

Thanks for your interest in supporting! I have just updated the donation page, and you can now make one-time donations via PayPal

As for premium plugins, they're definitely on my radar. In fact I have been working on one for a while now and plan to release it later this month! However free, quality open-source plugins will always be my main focus (y)
Sent to Game4Freak €5.00 EUR :) Cool, cant wait, want plugin automated base spawning :) More simple plugin better than huge raidable bases plugin. Had that one for a year, configuration that guy made so huge, but i want only 2 funtions, spawn bases from copypaste folder, optional if its use spawns database plugin or random anywhere on a map, and thats it...
Anyway have a good day, time to do some babysit time :)