Dancing NPC

Oxide Dancing NPC 1.3.1

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Gear Core (Optional)
This plugin lets players spawn npcs that perform looping gestures, making them appear as if they’re dancing.


  • dancingnpc.use - Required for players to use the /dance command.


  • /dance [gesture] [gearSetName] - Spawns an npc at your location to perform the specified gesture or updates the gesture of an existing npc if you're looking at one. If no gesture is provided, a random gesture from the configured list will be used. If no gear set name is provided, a random gear set from the configured list will be equipped.


  "Version": "1.2.0",
  "Chat Command": "dance",
  "Gestures": [
  "Gear Sets": [
    "hazmat suit",
    "egg suit"
  • Chat Command - This is the command players will type in the chat to trigger the npc to dance.
  • Gestures - This is a list of gestures that the npc can perform. When a player uses the dance command without specifying a gesture, the plugin will randomly pick one from this list.
  • Gear Sets - Defines different gear sets that can be equipped on the npcs.

Available Gestures

Not all gestures listed here may work, as they have not all been tested and could have been removed from the game.
  • clap
  • surrender
  • hurry
  • ok
  • point
  • shrug
  • thumbsdown
  • thumbsup
  • victory
  • wave
  • raiseroof
  • cabbagepatch
  • twist
  • talk_01
  • talk_02
  • talk_03
  • talk_04
  • talk_05
  • hold_relaxed
  • exclaim_01
  • hat_tip
  • parachuteLand
  • kick
  • push
  • cine_kick
  • cine_push
  • chicken
  • drink


  "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.",
  "GesturePlayedOnNewNPC": "Spawned a new npc and played gesture <color=#CACF52>{0}</color>.",
  "GestureUpdatedOnExistingNPC": "Updated gesture to <color=#CACF52>{0}</color> on the existing npc.",
  "GestureNotFound": "Gesture <color=#75A838>{0}</color> not found. Please specify a valid gesture."
First release
Last update


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Also by VisEntities

Latest updates

  1. 1.3.1

    Patched for November 7th Rust update. Gear sets are now optional in the /dance command. Fixed an...
  2. 1.3.0

    npcs will now face the player when spawned, and this also applies when updating gestures for...
  3. 1.2.0

    NPC outfits are now managed through the Gear Core plugin. Check out...