Gamemode Gun Game
Gamemode Core (Required)
Gear Core (Required)
Every kill you land swaps your weapon for a new one. Your goal is to make it through a sequence of different weapons faster than anyone else. Get to the final weapon first and take the win.

Console Commands

  • create <title> <position> <radius> [maxPlayerCapacity] - Creates a new Gun Game arena with the specified title, position, radius, and optional maximum player capacity.
  • edit <arenaId> - Enters editing mode for the specified Gun Game arena, allowing modifications to spawn points, teleporters, and other settings.
  • remove - Deletes the Gun Game arena currently being edited.
  • teleporter create <position> <radius> [visibilityRange] [visibleZone]- Creates a teleporter within the arena at the specified position and radius.
    • visibilityRange (optional) - Sets the distance players can see the teleporter's information.
    • visibleZone (optional) - Adds a shaded dome around the teleporter for visual marking.
  • teleporter remove - Deletes the teleporter associated with the currently edited arena.
  • spawn add <position> <radius> - Adds a spawn point to the arena at the specified position and radius.
  • spawn remove <spawnPointId> - Deletes a specific spawn point from the arena by its id.
  • rule add <rule1> [<rule2> ...] - Adds one or more rules to the Gun Game arena. (See Rules for details on available rules.)
  • rule remove <rule1> [<rule2> ...] - Removes one or more rules from the Gun Game arena.
  • weapon add <gearSet> <killsNeeded> - Adds a weapon stage to the Gun Game progression, specifying a gear set and required kills to unlock it.
  • weapon edit <stage> <newGearSet> <newKillsNeeded> - Edits an existing weapon stage with a new gear set or kill requirement.
  • weapon delete <stage> - Deletes a weapon stage from the progression path.
  • set <property> <value>- Configures properties of the Gun Game arena, including:
    • title <string> - Sets the arena's name.
    • enabled <true/false> - Enables or disables the arena for players.
    • maxplayers <int> - Sets the maximum number of players allowed.
    • infotemplate <string> - Customizes the arena's information template, showing player count, status, etc. (Check Arena Teleporters for all placeholders you can use.)
    • roundduration <float>- Sets round duration in seconds.
      • A positive number ends the round after the specified duration.
      • Setting it to -1 lets the round run indefinitely. (The round will only end when a player progresses through all weapon stages.)
    • killfeed <true/false> - Enables or disables kill notifications in the chat.
Note: For commands requiring a position, use coordinates or type here to set your current location.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure a lobby is set up first. If it's not, follow the lobby setup instructions here.

  2. Use create <title> <position> <radius> [maxPlayerCapacity] to create the Gun Game arena.
    Example: create Warehouse here 30 20 creates an arena called 'Warehouse' at your location, with a radius of 30 and a maximum capacity of 20 players.

  3. Place spawn points within the arena using spawn add <position> <radius>. Add as many spawn points as needed.
    Example: spawn add here 1 adds a spawn point at your location with a radius of 1.

  4. Define the weapon stages players will progress through using weapon add <gearSet> <killsNeeded> for each stage. (Requires Gear Core plugin.)
    Example: weapon add RifleSet 3 sets up a stage where players need 3 kills with 'RifleSet' to progress.

  5. Place a teleporter for players to enter the arena with teleporter create <position> <radius>. (This teleporter must be placed within the lobby zone.)
    Example: teleporter create here 1 places a teleporter at your location with a radius of 1.

  6. Set the duration for each round using set roundduration <seconds>.
    Example: set roundduration 300 sets a 5-minute round duration.


  "Version": "1.0.0",
  "Restore Full Health On Kill": true,
  "Restock Gun Ammo On Kill": true
  • Restore Full Health On Kill - Determines whether players' health is fully restored after each kill.
  • Restock Gun Ammo On Kill - Determines whether players' gun ammo is fully refilled with each kill.

Stored Data

  "Gun Game Arenas": [
      "Enabled": true,
      "Id": "001",
      "Title": "Containers",
      "Gamemode": "GunGame",
      "Radius": 50.0,
      "Position": {
        "x": 150.0,
        "y": 250.0,
        "z": 350.0
      "Rules": ["NoLootSpawn", "NoCrafting", "NoNPCSpawn", "NoSignEditing"],
      "Teleporter": {
        "Radius": 5.0,
        "Position": {
          "x": 155.0,
          "y": 250.0,
          "z": 355.0
        "Information Text Visibility Range": 20.0,
        "Visible Zone": true
      "Information Template": "{Title}\nGamemode: {Gamemode}\nStatus: {Status}\nTime Left: {TimeLeft}\nPlayers: {PlayerCount} / {PlayerCapacity}\n\nParticipants:\n{PlayerList}",
      "Maximum Player Capacity": 10,
      "Spawn Points": [
          "Id": "001",
          "Position": {
            "x": 150.0,
            "y": 251.0,
            "z": 350.0
          "Radius": 1.0
          "Id": "002",
          "Position": {
            "x": 155.0,
            "y": 251.0,
            "z": 355.0
          "Radius": 1.0
      "Round Duration Seconds": 300,
      "Has Kill Feed": true,
      "Weapon Progression Path": {
        "1": {
          "Gear Set": "AssaultRifle",
          "Kill Needed To Unlock": 1
        "2": {
          "Gear Set": "Pistol",
          "Kill Needed To Unlock": 2
        "3": {
          "Gear Set": "Caliber",
          "Kill Needed To Unlock": 3
        "4": {
          "Gear Set": "Blunderbuss",
          "Kill Needed To Unlock": 4
        "5": {
          "Gear Set": "Sniper",
          "Kill Needed To Unlock": 5
      "Reset To First Weapon On Death": true
Digital product
License duration
10.00 USD
First release
Last update


0.00 star(s) 0 reviews

Parent plugin

Also by VisEntities

Latest updates

  1. 1.0.2

    Updated for compatibility with the latest Gamemode Core version.
  2. 1.0.1

    Fixed an issue where a player was incorrectly announced as the winner without progressing...