
Reforestation 1.4.0

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  • Added Excluded Tree Prefabs config option, allowing to specify which tree prefabs should not be replanted after being harvested.
  • Fixed an issue where trees cut down by fast tools, like chainsaws, would trigger multiple respawn schedules for the same tree.
  • Removed more deprecated tree prefabs.
  • Prevent planting trees in water.
  • Removed deprecated tree prefabs.
Please wait until the Rust update goes live before downloading.
  • Patched for the upcoming September 5th Rust update.
  • Added Excluded Biomes config option to exclude specific biomes from tree replanting. Trees cut down in these biomes will not be replanted.
  • Added Building Check Radius config option to ensure trees don't spawn inside or too close to buildings and other structures.
  • Added missing tree prefabs to the TundraPine and TundraPineSapling types.