
  1. VisEntities

    No Excavator Airdrops 1.0.0

    This plugin removes the functionality of excavator signal computers to call in supply drops.
  2. VisEntities

    Airdrop Settings 1.3.1

    [H2 id='Features']Features[/H2] This plugin allows you to customize various aspects of airdrops and cargo planes, including: Setting how high the cargo plane spawns above the terrain. Controlling how fast the cargo plane flies across the map. Determining the speed at which the airdrop falls to...
  3. VisEntities

    Legacy Airdrops 1.0.0

    This plugin makes cargo planes drop multiple supply drops, just like in the old days of Rust Legacy. [H2 id='Compatible+Plugins']Compatible Plugins[/H2] Airdrop Settings - Allows customization of airdrops and cargo planes. Airdrop Turrets - Deploys auto turrets onto airdrops. [H2...
  4. VisEntities

    Airdrop Turrets 1.1.0

    This plugin adds auto turrets to airdrops as soon as they spawn, with customizable options for the turret's weapon, attachments, and ammo. Upon loading the plugin, any existing airdrops still in the air will also have turrets deployed on them, and when the plugin is unloaded, all turrets are...