
  1. VisEntities

    Armory 1.1.0

    This plugin gives players an always-stocked supply box that never runs out, instantly refilling items as they are taken. Players can open it using a chat command or by holding the use key. Admins can configure multiple item sets, each with its own permission, allowing different player groups to...
  2. VisEntities

    Rotating Gear 1.0.0

    This plugin gives every player on the server a different loadout on a timed schedule. Note: Gear Core plugin is required to set up the gear sets used. [H2 id='Permissions']Permissions[/H2] rotatinggear.ignore - Keeps a player's gear from changing during rotations. [H2...
  3. VisEntities

    Gear Core 1.1.1

    This plugin serves as an API for use by other plugins, providing hooks to create and equip gear sets. [H2 id='Permissions']Permissions[/H2] gearcore.use - Allows to save, equip, and delete gear sets. [H2 id='Commands']Commands[/H2] /gear save <name> - Saves the current inventory as a...