Explosions Should Throw Players

grenades, molotovs, beancans, all of these suck balls, because, of a simple, lack of impact, you throw a grenade at someone, and then just like, pathetically fall over, hell thats an over exageration, they literally just freeze and then ragdoll without any momentom to thier last movements and the grenade itself just looks like a fart cloud that death noted people around it

what am i suggesting? import the ragdoll explosion effect the HammerBolt has to grenades and literally anything that has explosives tied to it, and then if you can, setup a configuration for the range of effect and how far it should throw/push players, and if you can, give us the ability to pick which explosions are effected and the strength of each explosion
so you could theoretically have, c4 launch players into the stratosphere, rockets fling players, but Inciendary cant, and explosive ammo pushes players over

thats probably the longest description i could've wrote for a "bomb make me fly"