Researching Keep Dead Pilots in Their Seats Until Crash

Dying in choppers is weird, your body just locks in place and falls without any momentum from the chopper you were riding,
so you should make a cool plugin that applies the speed of the vehicle to the corpse when a player dies

you should make a plugin for when a pilot or copilot dies in there seat, they stay locked in they're seat, forcing players to go the crash site of the chopper
To scavenge they're bodies (while also looking really cinematic)

Also also
to have a unique 'remove mini bombing' plugin, make the players have to spend a (configurable amount of seconds) to jump out of a chopper

Also also also
If you even can do this, you should make a thing where you as the pilot of a chopper, can press a button, and it enables your hotbar, allowing you to pull out a weapon, but it also disconnects you from pilot controls
(To do this maybe have the pilot have a invisible seat only he can enter)

Also also also also
You should make a plugin for an upgraded scrappy adding these things
-a dropbridge at the back
-breakable windows to protect pilots (use car windows or the reinforced glass from the tier 2)
-more windows but for the passenger area of the scrappy
-foldable ladder on the sides of the chopper, stuff it in the fake doorway in-between the pilot seats and halfwalls of the chopper (to let players hang on the sides of the chopper for coolness) also add one on the back of the chopper that appears when you roll down the dropbridge (to have fun rescue missions or to maybe have a friend dangle off the back of the chopper on the ladder
(You can do the foldable ladder using the hatch of the ladder hatch)
-ballista to the back of the chopper, or an autoturret
-imbedded beds that autosign the owner and clan members
-rhib box at the back seats of the
-if it's possible, maybe a magnet at the bottom to transport vehicles
-searchlight controlled by the pilot
-BBQ on-top of the rhib box
-locker or two on the roof
-switch to activate a megaphone on the copilots side
-computer station for the copilot
-turret beside underneath the back side of the chopper and a turret on the nose of the chopper (all controlled the copilot
-two frontal rocket pod launchers for the pilot to control

Ok I'm out of ideas for choppers now lmao
hope this sparks and idea or two
There's alot more to this post then just 'dead pilots stay in seats' lol
Did you read the description or was dead pilots stay in seats the only idea worth doing? Cause well, fair enough if it was lmao