Raidable Shelters

Raidable Shelters 1.7.1

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So after configuring config file all the items i added never all show up in boxes also I never get a furnace only one or two boxes even though I have 2 boxes as minimum I did about 5 /rs.test commands and always same outcome
Ive looked at your config file nothing seems bad to me but with not all items spawning in the boxes is most likely due to you having some of the items set to "Minimum Amount": 0 so that would most likely be the reason why that is and also i have noticed that sometimes the furnace doesnt spawn due to the terrain not being flat enough you can also toggle debug mode and see whats happening when it spawns aswell :)
(But i wouldnt be able to tell if what i said is right or wrong also if there is any problems with the file since Vis knows best)
This plugin is a very nice addition to my server. One question:
Could you maybe make it so the despawn timer resets once the shelter gets damaged? To prevent it from despawning while being raided, if the raider took to long to get back to it. Had one despawn on me today with less than 10% health left, that was a real bummer :)
This plugin is a very nice addition to my server. One question:
Could you maybe make it so the despawn timer resets once the shelter gets damaged? To prevent it from despawning while being raided, if the raider took to long to get back to it. Had one despawn on me today with less than 10% health left, that was a real bummer :)
I like the idea, in the next update 👍
So after configuring config file all the items i added never all show up in boxes also I never get a furnace only one or two boxes even though I have 2 boxes as minimum I did about 5 /rs.test commands and always same outcome
The process of generating interior entities is completely automated, so several factors come into play. First the entities are generated in the order they appear in your config, this means that if your config has 2-3 small boxes before the furnace, the plugin will try to place those boxes first, and given the limited space inside the shelter, it’s unlikely there will be room for the furnace after the boxes are placed. Additionally, the placement is entirely random, so if it doesn’t generate the furnace in the first five shelters, it might do so in the sixth or seventh

To increase the chances of entities spawning, you can adjust the Number Of Attempts For Determining Entity Position Inside Shelter and Number Of Attempts For Determining Entity Rotation Inside Shelter config options. These settings control how many attempts are made to place the entity in different positions and rotations that don’t intersect with others. However I wouldn't recommend setting these too high, 40-50 should be reasonable
I like the idea, in the next update 👍
Awesome, thank you very much!
One more thing: Would it maybe be possible to rename the map marker for the shelters? I had multiple players being confused on their first encounter with raidable shelters, mainly for the reason that it says "Your Shelter" on the map.
Awesome, thank you very much!
One more thing: Would it maybe be possible to rename the map marker for the shelters? I had multiple players being confused on their first encounter with raidable shelters, mainly for the reason that it says "Your Shelter" on the map.
I didn't know shelters had map markers
Hello, I cant seem to get Raidable Shelters to work again on my local host server
I had it all configured yesterday and working great but when I relaunched my server today it stopped working
/rs.test doesnt trigger
I've tried deleting the plugin/cfg files for it and reinstalling
Not sure what else to do?

When I reload plugin I get this

o.reload RaidableShelters
[CSharp] Started Oxide.Compiler v1.0.26.0 successfully
RaidableShelters was compiled successfully in 1668ms
Unloaded plugin Raidable Shelters v1.5.1 by VisEntities
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Rust Server/Desktop/Rust Server/rustserver/RustDedicated_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-000001F5961D9020.dlld [Procedural Map]
Loaded plugin Raidable Shelters v1.5.1 by VisEntities
I had my one of my mods test it and its working for them, not sure why /rs.test doesnt work for me Ill keep messing around with it
I had my one of my mods test it and its working for them, not sure why /rs.test doesnt work for me Ill keep messing around with it
The command won't spawn a shelter unless you're close to the terrain, whether it's above or below you. However if you're too high in the air or too far underground, it won't spawn because it can't detect the terrain
Noticed I am getting this

Creating item with less than 1 amount! (Wolf Headdress)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableShelters.PopulateItems (ItemContainer itemContainer, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] items, System.Int32 fillContainerPercentage) (at C:/Users/mariu/Desktop/RustServer/3xServer/carbon/plugins/RaidableShelters.cs:896)
at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableShelters.SpawnInteriorEntity (LegacyShelter shelter, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation, Oxide.Plugins.RaidableShelters+InteriorEntityConfig interiorEntityConfig) (at C:/Users/mariu/Desktop/RustServer/3xServer/carbon/plugins/RaidableShelters.cs:871)
at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableShelters.SpawnShelterInteriorEntities (LegacyShelter shelter, Oxide.Plugins.RaidableShelters+ShelterData shelterData) (at C:/Users/mariu/Desktop/RustServer/3xServer/carbon/plugins/RaidableShelters.cs:811)
at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableShelters.SpawnLegacyShelter (UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation, BasePlayer player) (at C:/Users/mariu/Desktop/RustServer/3xServer/carbon/plugins/RaidableShelters.cs:728)
at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableShelters+<RespawnSheltersCoroutine>d__27.MoveNext () (at C:/Users/mariu/Desktop/RustServer/3xServer/carbon/plugins/RaidableShelters.cs:567)
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <935634f5cc14479dbaa30641d55600a9>:0)
at UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator)
at Oxide.Plugins.CoroutineUtil:StartCoroutine(String, IEnumerator) (at C:/Users/mariu/Desktop/RustServer/3xServer/carbon/plugins/RaidableShelters.cs:1314)
at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableShelters:<OnServerInitialized>b__25_0() (at C:/Users/mariu/Desktop/RustServer/3xServer/carbon/plugins/RaidableShelters.cs:531)
at Oxide.Plugins.<>c__DisplayClass15_0:<Every>b__0() (at D:/a/Carbon/Carbon/Carbon.Core/Carbon.Components/Carbon.Common/src/Oxide/Libraries/Timer.cs:80)
at InvokeHandlerBase`1:DoTick()
at InvokeHandlerBase`1:LateUpdate()

with the config posted earlier 8/25
Noticed I am getting this

Creating item with less than 1 amount! (Wolf Headdress)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableShelters.PopulateItems (ItemContainer itemContainer, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] items, System.Int32 fillContainerPercentage) (at C:/Users/mariu/Desktop/RustServer/3xServer/carbon/plugins/RaidableShelters.cs:896)
at Oxide.Plugins.RaidableShelters.SpawnInteriorEntity (LegacyShelter shelter, UnityEngine.Vector3 position, UnityEngine.Quaternion rotation, Oxide.Plugins.RaidableShelters+InteriorEntityConfig interiorEntityConfig) (at C:/Users/mariu/Desktop/RustServer/3xServer/carbon/plugins/RaidableShelters.cs:871)
There'll be an update later today
Did you have a chance to look at the config, @VisEntities ?
It’s likely because the terrain where the shelter was spawned is bad (though it doesn’t make sense, they should spawn regardless)

You can try increasing the Number Of Attempts For Determining Entity Position Inside Shelter and Number Of Attempts For Determining Entity Rotation Inside Shelter config options. These settings control how many attempts are made to place the entity in different positions and rotations
Shelter spawns but no items are inside
In the latest update (1.7.1) I just pushed, shelters won't spawn if interior entities like boxes fail to spawn, so that issue is now resolved

When you say items don't spawn, are you referring to items inside interior entities? If so, there're three factors that determine item spawning:
  • The entity must be a storage container
  • The items you specified in the Items To Spawn Inside Entity Containers list
  • The Percentage To Fill Container With Items If Present config option
These three determine whether items will spawn inside containers, so double-check them