Save Countdown
Can i able find a time to edit ? I want it pop in for the last 120 seconds only.... I already using save time, and random gifts... want to be able fully edit timers for all 3 plugins to make sure its not going overlap each other. imagine like random gifts run the same time as server save wont be cool. i really need this line: "Countdown Ui Display Duration Seconds": 300.0
Can i able find a time to edit ? I want it pop in for the last 120 seconds only.... I already using save time, and random gifts... want to be able fully edit timers for all 3 plugins to make sure its not going overlap each other. imagine like random gifts run the same time as server save wont be cool. i really need this line: "Countdown Ui Display Duration Seconds": 300.0
Done (y)
thanks, going to take that now :) ALSO its not very important to rush, but you still can make for all 3 plugins improvements, for example make couple lines in their configs to change ui position... Some people want move it in dif places, i can do it in self plugin because i see where writen position lines, but not everyone know how to edit plugin.... Thank you again.