Underwater Bases

Plus if you make that *guns shoot underwater" plugin, would be pretty badass to have a subnautica style rust experience (although swim speed would need to be increased, maybe that should come along as its own plugin)
Well, I don't dislike the idea, but I think this is better handled on the map side. The water effect that blocks visibility is part of the water, and I'm pretty sure removing it would require editing the map itself
I'm not saying remove the water effect, that'd be boring, I'm saying let me build a base underwater, it'd be flooded yeah but if you got a nodrowning plugin then underwater bases become these cool flooded tunnel systems, it'd be like a shitty space station

Plus if you manage to make guns and stuff work underwater, you could literally have subnautica as rust

Think of the trap bases you could have with bases you swim through rather than walk through!