
Airdrop Settings
Allows customization of airdrops and cargo planes
You Shall Not Spawn
Prevents certain entities from spawning
Airdrop Turrets
Deploys auto turrets onto airdrops
Patrol Heli Crash Dont Retire
Forces patrol helicopters to crash instead of leaving the map at the end of their lifetime
Legacy Airdrops
Brings back legacy airdrops where cargo planes drop multiple airdrops instead of just one
First Try Chainsaw
Guarantees that chainsaws start immediately on the first attempt
No Underwater Vending
Prevents players from placing vending machines underwater
Minigun Reload Anywhere
Allows reloading the minigun anywhere without needing a workbench
Instant Crops
Fully mature plants as soon as they are planted
Owner Pickup Only
Restricts entity pickup to the owner or their teammates