Chicken Coop
  • Fixed image download failure.
  • Locks on coop doors are now saved and restored after server restarts.
  • Fixed NullReferenceException error.
Note: Please reset your language file.
  • Items in seeders are now saved and restored on server restart.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple players could carry the same chicken simultaneously.
  • Players can now delete their own coops using coop.remove chat command, provided they are the coop's owner.
  • Configurable zone opacity.
  • Fixed an issue where aboveground pools turned into chicken coops when the item didn’t have the coop skin applied.
  • Fixed an issue where chicken coops weren’t saving properly
  • Fixed an issue where chickens would leave the nest due to the stuck detection mechanism, nesting chickens are now excluded from this check.
  • Chicken spawns are now more tolerant of locations near roads and no-build areas.
  • Fixed NullReferenceException when running the coop gifting command from the server console, which occurred because it attempted to send a message to the command issuer, who was null. The message now correctly goes to the player receiving the coop instead.
  • Fixed NullReferenceException when interacting with chickens.
  • Chasing behavior now works as expected for wild chickens that aren’t tamed.
  • Picking up parts of the coop, like wooden signs, is now restricted.