Raidable Balloon Bases

Early Access Raidable Balloon Bases 1.1.0

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Copy Paste (Required)
Balloon Base Editor (Required)
Custom Loot Spawns (Optional)

This plugin spawns bases attached to hot air balloons designed for raiding. Each base is filled with loot and guarded by npcs.

Early Access

This plugin is in early access. While fully functional, it's still under active development. Early access means that new features may be added, existing ones may be improved, and occasional bugs may occur. Your feedback is valuable in shaping the final version, so feel free to share your suggestions or report any issues through our Discord community or support forum.


  • rbb.loot create <filename> - Creates a new loot table with the specified filename.
  • rbb.loot category generate <filename> <itemCategoryName> - Generates loot for the specified category and adds it to the loot table.
  • rbb.loot category remove <filename> <itemCategoryName> - Removes all items of the specified category from the loot table.
  • rbb.loot category set <filename> <property> <value> <itemCategoryName> - Updates a property (e.g., blueprint, minamount, maxamount, rarity) for items in the specified category in the loot table.
  • rbb.loot item add <filename> <itemShortName> [<itemShortName> ...] - Adds one or more specific items to the loot table.
  • rbb.loot item remove <filename> <itemShortName> [<itemShortName> ...] - Removes one or more specific items from the loot table.
  • rbb.loot item set <filename> <property> <value> <itemShortName> [<itemShortName> ...] - Updates a property (e.g., blueprint, minamount, maxamount, rarity) for specific items in the loot table.
  • rbb.profile <profileName> - Creates a new profile with default settings if it does not already exist.
  • rbb.spawn <profileName> - Spawns a raidable balloon from the specified profile.


  "Version": "1.0.0",
  "Flight Ceiling": 350.0,
  "Zone Opacity": 1,
  "Maximum Number Of Balloons Allowed Globally": 3,
  "Rarity Weights": {
    "Common": 50,
    "Uncommon": 30,
    "Rare": 15,
    "VeryRare": 5

Stored Data

  "Name": "Easy",
  "Enabled": true,
  "Event Duration Minutes": 60.0,
  "Pastes": [
      "Filename": "default_paste",
      "Pick Probability Weight": 1,
      "Custom Loot Spawn Group": "default_loot"
  "Spawn": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Maximum Population": 1,
    "Initial Spawn": true,
    "Minimum Respawn Delay Minutes": 60.0,
    "Maximum Respawn Delay Minutes": 120.0,
    "Minimum Number To Spawn Per Tick": 1,
    "Maximum Number To Spawn Per Tick": 1,
    "Spawn Filter": {
      "Lowest Ceiling": 200.0,
      "Highest Ceiling": 350.0,
      "Spawn Over Water": false,
      "Excluded Biomes": [
  "Balloon": {
    "Health": 1500.0
  "Decay": {
    "Balloon Health Loss Required To Start Decay": 200.0,
    "Percentage Of Blocks To Decay ": 10,
    "Decay Amount Per Block": 200.0
  "Crash": {
    "Minimum Number Of Wreckage To Spawn": 3,
    "Maximum Number Of Wreckage To Spawn": 6,
    "Minimum Number Of Fire Balls To Scatter": 5,
    "Maximum Number Of Fire Balls To Scatter": 10,
    "Should Create Explosion Marker": true,
    "Explosion Marker Duration Minutes": 5.0,
    "Minimum Crashed Balloon Height Above Ground": 3.0,
    "Maximum Crashed Balloon Height Above Ground": 7.0,
    "Crashed Balloon Tilt Angle Range": 15.0
  "Loot": {
    "Loot Table Name": "default_loot_table",
    "Percentage Of Containers To Populate": 80,
    "Empty Container Contents Before Populating Loot": true,
    "Percentage Of Container Capacity To Fill": 40,
    "Storage Containers": [
        "Prefabs": [
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab",
        "Percentage Of Container Capacity To Fill": 40,
        "Allowed Item Categories": [
        "Prefabs": [
          "assets/prefabs/deployable/repair bench/repairbench_deployed.prefab"
        "Percentage Of Container Capacity To Fill": 100,
        "Allowed Item Categories": [
        "Prefabs": [
        "Percentage Of Container Capacity To Fill": 100,
        "Allowed Item Categories": [
        "Prefabs": [
        "Percentage Of Container Capacity To Fill": 30,
        "Allowed Item Categories": [
        "Prefabs": [
        "Percentage Of Container Capacity To Fill": 20,
        "Allowed Item Categories": [
    "Short Name": "fat.animal",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -1018587433,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 175,
    "Maximum Amount": 350,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Common",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "bone.fragments",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": 1719978075,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 175,
    "Maximum Amount": 350,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Common",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": 634478325,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 3,
    "Maximum Amount": 6,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "VeryRare",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "charcoal",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -1938052175,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 175,
    "Maximum Amount": 350,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Common",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "cloth",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -858312878,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 132,
    "Maximum Amount": 263,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Uncommon",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "crude.oil",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -321733511,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 88,
    "Maximum Amount": 175,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Common",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "diesel_barrel",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": 1568388703,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 4,
    "Maximum Amount": 7,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Common",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "explosives",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -592016202,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 5,
    "Maximum Amount": 9,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "VeryRare",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "gunpowder",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -265876753,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 44,
    "Maximum Amount": 88,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "VeryRare",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "hq.metal.ore",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -1982036270,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 9,
    "Maximum Amount": 18,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Rare",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "metal.refined",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": 317398316,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 9,
    "Maximum Amount": 18,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Rare",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "leather",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": 1381010055,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 132,
    "Maximum Amount": 263,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Uncommon",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "lowgradefuel",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -946369541,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 88,
    "Maximum Amount": 175,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Common",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "metal.fragments",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": 69511070,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 132,
    "Maximum Amount": 263,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Uncommon",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "metal.ore",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -4031221,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 132,
    "Maximum Amount": 263,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Uncommon",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "scrap",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -932201673,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 132,
    "Maximum Amount": 263,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Uncommon",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "stones",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -2099697608,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 175,
    "Maximum Amount": 350,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Common",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "sulfur.ore",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -1157596551,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 88,
    "Maximum Amount": 175,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Rare",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "sulfur",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -1581843485,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 88,
    "Maximum Amount": 175,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Rare",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": 1523195708,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 3,
    "Maximum Amount": 6,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "VeryRare",
    "Category": "Resources"
    "Short Name": "wood",
    "Display Name": null,
    "Item Id": -151838493,
    "Skin Id": 0,
    "Minimum Amount": 175,
    "Maximum Amount": 350,
    "Blueprint": false,
    "Rarity": "Common",
    "Category": "Resources"
License duration
40.00 USD
First release
Last update


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Also by VisEntities

Latest updates

  1. 1.1.0

    Added a new command to manually spawn a raidable balloon from a specific profile. Note: This...
  2. 1.0.3

    Fixed an oopsie where sam sites could target raidable balloons.
  3. 1.0.2

    Improved ground contact detection during balloon falls. Fixed balloons not finding a crash site...