This plugin lets you place fully interactive volcanoes on your map that can erupt with fireballs and create expanding lava fields.


  • Performance-friendly!
  • Shoots fireballs in random directions at varying speeds.
  • Spews lava that expands, destroying anything it touches.
  • Volcano generates intense heat, damaging nearby players.
  • Trees, ore nodes, and bushes are destroyed on contact with lava.
  • Burned trees leave behind dead logs and stumps.
  • Volcanoes transition through different stages, each with unique behavior.
  • Players are alerted before an eruption begins, giving them time to prepare.


  1. Does the volcano impact server performance?
    Not at all! Each eruption is capped at 30 fireballs—for comparison, each incendiary strafe from the patrol helicopter produces around 10.

  2. Are volcanoes automatically generated on the map?
    No, volcanoes don't spawn automatically. You'll need to create them manually. See the Quick Start section for setup instructions!

  3. Do I need to edit the map to add a volcano?
    Nope, you don't have to. The volcano can be placed anywhere, but shaping the landscape to resemble a volcano makes it look more natural.


  • volcano create <alias> - Creates a new volcano with the specified alias.
  • volcano edit <alias> - Enters editing mode for the specified volcano, allowing you to modify its properties.
  • volcano remove - Deletes the currently selected volcano.
  • volcano done - Saves changes to the currently edited volcano and exits editing mode.
  • volcano set <property> <value>- Updates a property of the currently edited volcano. Available properties:
    • enabled <true/false> - Toggles whether the volcano is active.
    • alias <string> - Updates the alias of the volcano.
    • spittime <float> - Sets the interval (in seconds) between spits during eruption.
    • minspit <int> - Sets the minimum number of fireballs per spit.
    • maxspit <int> - Sets the maximum number of fireballs per spit.
    • minspeed <float> - Sets the minimum speed of fireballs.
    • maxspeed <float> - Sets the maximum speed of fireballs.
  • volcano lava <position> <initialRadius> <targetRadius> [temperature] [killOnTouch]- Defines the area where the lava flows and spreads during an eruption.
    • <position> - The center of the lava field. Use here to use your current location.
    • <initialRadius> - The starting radius of the lava field.
    • <targetRadius> - The maximum radius the lava field will expand to.
    • [temperature] (Optional) - The temperature of the lava field. Default: 70.
    • [killOnTouch] (Optional) - Whether the lava field kills resource entities on touch. Default: true.
  • volcano crater <position> <radius>- Defines the central eruption point of the volcano.
    • <position> - The center of the crater. Use here to use your current location.
    • <radius> - The radius of the crater.
  • volcano draw - Visualizes all volcanoes on the map. Useful for locating and inspecting volcanoes.
  • volcano erupt <alias> - Immediately triggers the eruption for the specified volcano, overriding any pending stage transitions and starting the eruption stage instantly.

Quick Start

  1. Use volcano create <alias> to create a new volcano.
    Example: volcano create Fuji creates a volcano named 'Fuji'.

  2. Define the lava spread area at the base of the volcano using volcano lava <position> <initialRadius> <targetRadius>.
    Example: volcano lava here 5 70 sets the lava to start at your location with a 5 meter radius and expand up to 70 meters.

  3. Set the eruption point at the summit, positioned in the air above the vent, using volcano crater <position> <radius>.
    Example: volcano crater here 5 defines the eruption point at your location with a 5 meter radius.

  4. Finally, use volcano done to finish editing and apply changes.

  5. All other settings, like eruption timing and fireball count, can be adjusted in the data file.

Stored Data

  "Volcanoes": [
      "Enabled": true,
      "Alias": "Fuji",
      "Dormant Stage Duration Seconds": 7200,
      "Eruption Stage Duration Seconds": 30,
      "Crater": {
        "Position": {
          "x": 100.0,
          "y": 200.0,
          "z": 300.0
        "Radius": 50.0
      "Lava Field": {
        "Position": {
          "x": 120.0,
          "y": 200.0,
          "z": 320.0
        "Initial Radius": 5.0,
        "Target Radius": 100.0,
        "Temperature": 70.0,
        "Kill Resource Entities On Touch": true
      "Eruption": {
        "Time Between Spits Seconds": 3.0,
        "Minimum Number Of Fire Balls Per Spit": 5,
        "Maximum Number Of Fire Balls Per Spit": 10,
        "Minimum Fire Ball Speed": 30.0,
        "Maximum Fire Ball Speed": 50.0
  • Enabled - Turns the volcano on or off.
  • Alias - A name or label for the volcano, like 'Fuji,' so it's easy to identify.
  • Dormant Stage Duration Seconds - How long the volcano stays quiet before moving to the next stage.
  • Eruption Stage Duration Seconds - How long the volcano erupts before it calms down.
  • Crater- The central part of the volcano where eruptions originate.
    • Position - The exact spot where fireballs are launched.
    • Radius - The size of the crater, determining how far fireballs spread outward.
  • Lava Field- The area affected by molten lava spreading from the volcano.
    • Position - The starting point of the lava field.
    • Initial Radius - The size of the lava field when it first appears.
    • Target Radius - The maximum size the lava field can grow to.
    • Temperature - The heat level of the lava field, which can damage players nearby.
    • Kill Resource Entities On Touch - If true, the lava will destroy trees, bushes, and other resources it touches.
  • Eruption- Defines how the volcano behaves during an eruption.
    • Time Between Spits Seconds - How often the volcano spits fireballs during an eruption.
    • Minimum Number Of Fire Balls Per Spit - The least number of fireballs released in one eruption.
    • Maximum Number Of Fire Balls Per Spit - The most number of fireballs released in one eruption.
    • Minimum Fire Ball Speed - The slowest speed a fireball can travel.
    • Maximum Fire Ball Speed - The fastest speed a fireball can travel.


  "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.",
  "UnknownCommand": "Unknown subcommand. Use 'create', 'edit', 'set', 'remove', 'done', 'lava', 'crater', or 'draw'.",
  "CreateUsage": "Usage: volcano create <alias>",
  "EditUsage": "Usage: volcano edit <alias>",
  "SetUsage": "Usage: volcano set <property> <value>",
  "LavaUsage": "Usage: volcano lava <position> <initialRadius> <targetRadius> [temperature] [killOnTouch]",
  "CraterUsage": "Usage: volcano crater <position> <radius>",
  "VolcanoAlreadyExists": "A volcano with the alias '{0}' already exists.",
  "VolcanoNotFound": "No volcano found with alias '{0}'.",
  "InvalidPosition": "Invalid position. Enter a valid position or type 'here'.",
  "InvalidInitialRadius": "Invalid initial radius. Please enter a positive number.",
  "InvalidTargetRadius": "Invalid target radius. Please enter a positive number greater than or equal to the initial radius.",
  "InvalidRadius": "Invalid radius. Please enter a positive number.",
  "InvalidEnabledValue": "Invalid value for enabled. Please use 'true' or 'false'.",
  "InvalidSpitInterval": "Invalid value for time between spits. Enter a valid number.",
  "InvalidMinFireballs": "Invalid value for minimum fireballs. Enter a valid number.",
  "InvalidMaxFireballs": "Invalid value for maximum fireballs. Enter a valid number.",
  "InvalidMinSpeed": "Invalid value for minimum fireball speed. Enter a valid number.",
  "InvalidMaxSpeed": "Invalid value for maximum fireball speed. Enter a valid number.",
  "VolcanoCreated": "Volcano '{0}' created. Use 'volcano lava' or 'volcano crater' to configure details.",
  "VolcanoEdited": "Editing volcano '{0}'. Use 'volcano set <property> <value>' to modify properties or 'volcano done' to save changes.",
  "VolcanoSetProperty": "Set property '{0}' to value '{1}'.",
  "VolcanoRemoved": "Volcano '{0}' has been removed.",
  "VolcanoDoneEditing": "Finished editing volcano '{0}'.",
  "VolcanoLavaUpdated": "Updated lava configuration for volcano '{0}'.",
  "VolcanoCraterUpdated": "Updated crater configuration for volcano '{0}'.",
  "VolcanoVisualizing": "Visualizing all volcanoes."
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Reactions: (Manky)sieve
License duration
15.00 USD
First release
Last update


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Also by VisEntities

Latest updates

  1. 1.2.0

    Admins can now manually trigger a volcano's eruption using the volcano erupt <alias> command...
  2. 1.1.0

    Added an option to disable lava spewing, making volcanoes release only fireballs.