
  1. VisEntities

    Recoil Tracker 1.0.0

    This plugin provides an API for recording and storing weapon recoil patterns, allowing other plugins—like Gamemode Aim Train or anti-cheat plugins—to analyze player shots and determine how accurately they follow a weapon's expected recoil. It doesn't do anything on its own but serves as a...
  2. VisEntities

    Custom Loot Spawns 1.0.0

    This plugin allows placing spawn points for extra loot, where you can spawn different crate prefabs of your choosing, control their spawn frequency, and set the likelihood of each one spawning. Ideal for custom maps or hosting events. [H2 id='Permissions']Permissions[/H2]...
  3. VisEntities

    Gamemode Core 1.4.1

    The backbone of every gamemode, managing core functionality and shared mechanics. [H2 id='Available+Gamemode+Plugins']Gamemodes[/H2] Gamemode FFA - Everyone is your target. Get the most kills to win. Gamemode Gun Game - Progress through weapons with each kill. The first to complete...
  4. VisEntities

    Gear Core 1.1.1

    This plugin serves as an API for use by other plugins, providing hooks to create and equip gear sets. [H2 id='Permissions']Permissions[/H2] gearcore.use - Allows to save, equip, and delete gear sets. [H2 id='Commands']Commands[/H2] /gear save <name> - Saves the current inventory as a...