
This plugin provides an API for recording and storing weapon recoil patterns, allowing other plugins—like Gamemode Aim Train or anti-cheat plugins—to analyze player shots and determine how accurately they follow a weapon's expected recoil. It doesn't do anything on its own but serves as a foundation for tracking recoil mechanics, assisting with aim training, or detecting unnatural shot patterns.


  • recoiltracker.record - Allows a player to start, stop, and save recoil recordings.


  • rt.record start - Starts recording a player’s recoil pattern.
  • rt.record save - Saves the recorded recoil pattern for future use.
  • rt.record cancel - Cancels an active recoil recording without saving.

Quick Start

  1. Equip the weapon you want to generate a recoil pattern for.
  2. Fully load the magazine. Do not use infiniteammo ConVar if you are an admin.
  3. Crouch and aim before shooting. Do not stand, do not shoot without aiming, and do not crouch without aiming.
  4. Hold down the trigger and fire without controlling the recoil. Let the weapon kick naturally.
  5. Shoot one full magazine. For better accuracy, shoot 2-3 full magazines.
  6. Run the save command to store the recoil pattern. It will be saved in the data folder with the weapon's name.

Stored Data

  "RecoilPatterns": {
    "rifle.ak": {
      "Weapon": "rifle.ak",
      "Attachments": ["weapon.mod.silencer", "weapon.mod.lasersight"],
      "RecoilPoints": [0, -5, -10, -15, -20, -25, -30]
    "smg.mp5": {
      "Weapon": "smg.mp5",
      "Attachments": [],
      "RecoilPoints": [0, -2, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12]


  "Usage": "Usage:\nrt.record start - Begin recording recoil pattern\nrt.record save - Save current recording\nrt.record cancel - Discard current recording",
  "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.",
  "UsageStart": "Usage: rt.record start",
  "UsageSave": "Usage: rt.record save",
  "UsageCancel": "Usage: rt.record cancel",
  "AlreadyRecording": "You already have an active recording!",
  "RecordStarted": "Recoil recording started. Perform your shots to record the pattern.",
  "NoActiveToSave": "No active recording to save!",
  "RecordSaved": "Recoil pattern successfully saved!",
  "NoActiveToCancel": "No active recording to cancel!",
  "RecordCancelled": "Active recording cancelled.",
  "UnknownSubcommand": "Unknown subcommand '{0}'. Valid commands: start, save, cancel"

Developer API

void API_StartRecoilTracking(BasePlayer player, string mode, float tolerance = 5f)
Starts recoil tracking for a player.
  • player - The player whose recoil should be tracked.
  • mode - Either Recording to capture a new pattern or Matching to compare the player's shots to an existing pattern.
  • tolerance - The maximum allowed deviation when checking if a shot follows a recorded pattern.
void API_StopRecoilTracking(BasePlayer player, bool save)
Stops a recoil tracking session for the given player.
  • player - The player whose recoil tracking should stop.
  • save - If true, the recorded pattern is saved. If false, the recording is discarded.
bool API_DoesRecoilPatternExist(string weaponShortName)
Checks if a saved recoil pattern exists for a given weapon.
  • weaponShortName - The short name of the weapon to check.
JObject API_GetRecoilPattern(string weaponShortName)
Retrieves the stored recoil pattern for a weapon.
  • weaponShortName - The short name of the weapon whose pattern should be retrieved.
  • The returned JObject contains:
    • Weapon (string) - The weapon name.
    • Attachments (List<string>) - Any attachments present when the pattern was recorded.
    • Recoil Points (List<float>) - A list of recorded recoil values.

Developer Hooks

void OnRecoilMatchResult(BasePlayer player, Dictionary<string, object> matchData)
Called when a player's shot is compared against a stored recoil pattern.
  • player - The player whose shot was analyzed.
  • matchData - A dictionary containing detailed information about the recoil match.
Breakdown of matchData:
WeaponShortNamestringThe short name of the weapon being used.
PatternCompletedbooltrue if the player has finished the entire recoil pattern, false otherwise.
CurrentShotIndexintThe index of the current shot in the stored recoil pattern.
CurrentDeviationfloatThe difference between the actual and expected recoil for the current shot.
AccuracyPercentfloatThe player's overall accuracy compared to the stored pattern (100% = perfect match).
ExpectedValuefloatThe expected recoil value for this shot, based on the stored pattern.
ActualValuefloatThe actual recorded recoil value for the player's shot.
IsHitbooltrue if the shot was within the allowed tolerance, false if it deviated too much.

Example usage in plugins:
void OnRecoilMatchResult(BasePlayer player, Dictionary<string, object> matchData)
    string weapon = matchData["WeaponShortName"].ToString();
    float accuracy = Convert.ToSingle(matchData["AccuracyPercent"]);
    bool isHit = Convert.ToBoolean(matchData["IsHit"]);

    Puts($"{player.displayName} fired a {weapon}. Accuracy: {accuracy}% - Hit: {isHit}");

    // If accuracy drops below 50%, warn the player
    if (accuracy < 50f)
        SendReply(player, "Your recoil control needs improvement!");
License duration
10.00 USD
First release
Last update


0.00 star(s) 0 reviews

Parent plugin

  • Gamemode Aim Train
    Gamemode Aim Train
    Practice your aim against bots while tracking your performance in real time

Also by VisEntities
