
  1. VisEntities

    Early Access Raidable Balloon Bases 1.1.0

    This plugin spawns bases attached to hot air balloons designed for raiding. Each base is filled with loot and guarded by npcs. [H2 id='Early+Access']Early Access[/H2] This plugin is in early access. While fully functional, it's still under active development. Early access means that new features...
  2. VisEntities

    Early Access Balloon Base Editor 1.0.1

    This plugin lets you create and edit bases used by the raidable balloon event. [H2 id='FAQ']FAQ[/H2] Am I allowed to sell or share my balloon bases? Yes, but you must clearly state that Raidable Balloon Bases is required for them to work and include a link to it. You can also find a...
  3. VisEntities

    Balloon Stay On 1.0.0

    This plugin removes the scheduled shut-off timer for hot air balloons, keeping them on for as long as they have fuel. Permissions balloonstayon.use - Allows players to keep hot air balloons running without automatic shut-off.
  4. VisEntities

    Always Inflated Balloons 1.0.0

    This plugin makes hot air balloon takeoffs faster by immediately inflating the balloon as soon as a player toggles it on.
  5. VisEntities

    Harvestable Vehicles 1.7.0

    This plugin allows players to break down rarely used vehicles like cars and hot air balloons for resources using specific tools, instead of them just sitting there and adding to your entity count. [H2 id='Permissions']Permissions[/H2] harvestablevehicles.use - Only players with this...