
  1. VisEntities

    Kill Awards 1.1.1

    This plugin allows players to receive specific rewards as they achieve kill milestones, such as health boosts, ammo refills, and more. [H2 id='Rewards']Rewards[/H2] Each milestone can be configured with different reward options: Refills the ammo of the player's active weapon. Heals the...
  2. VisEntities

    Out Of Combat Heal 1.0.0

    This plugin lets players gradually heal up after being free from damage for a set duration, much like Call of Duty's health regeneration system. [H2 id='Permissions']Permissions[/H2] outofcombatheal.use - Only players with this permission will be healed after staying out of battle. [H2...
  3. VisEntities

    Barrel Health 1.0.0

    This plugin allows you to customize the health of loot barrels that spawn on roadsides and in monuments. When the plugin is loaded, all existing loot barrels will automatically update their health to match the values specified in the config. [H2 id='Configuration']Configuration[/H2] {...